If at all possible, in the interests of the King's Own and Svenska Armen, would someone please undertake to translate the goings on of the LGR-Grog alliance? For instance in keeping with Article VI,
This translation doesn't go well in English thanks to poor online translators, but as it involves us, any information as to an accurate translation would be much appreciated.
Le présent traité définitif de paix est déclaré commun aux britanniques
"King's Own", et aux suédois de "Svenska Armen" alliés des Grognards,
lesquelles seront invités à transmettre leurs actes d'accession dans le
plus court délai possible.
The final treated present of peace is declared common to the British "King's Own", and to the Swedish one of "Svenska Armen" allied Grognards, which ones will be invited to transmit their accession acts in the shortest possible delay.
This translation doesn't go well in English thanks to poor online translators, but as it involves us, any information as to an accurate translation would be much appreciated.