Old Grogs

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Legless Lannes
[Grognard]_Jean-Charles I
6 participants

    Emeutes en Grèce


    Emeutes en Grèce Empty Emeutes en Grèce

    Message par Invité Lun 8 Déc 2008 - 5:00

    Emeutes en Grèce France_burning

    ...ça rappelle des trucs... (avec moins de flammes partout^^)
    Fondateur des Grognards

    Nombre de messages : 954
    Age : 45
    Localisation : Château de Rambouillet
    Date d'inscription : 22/09/2006

    Emeutes en Grèce Empty Re: Emeutes en Grèce

    Message par [Grognard]_Raistlin Mer 10 Déc 2008 - 22:38

    bon tant qu'on y est, incluons des articles!!!
    Celui là, concerne notre gouvernement en réaction au soulèvement de la jeunesse Grècque... :thisissparta:


    Emeutes en Grèce Empty Re: Emeutes en Grèce

    Message par Invité Jeu 11 Déc 2008 - 16:46

    Les flics tirent maintenant à balles réelles.... BRAVO BANDE DE FASCISTE ! Mad

    Général de brigade

    Nombre de messages : 775
    Age : 36
    Localisation : la Hollande
    Date d'inscription : 17/11/2006

    Emeutes en Grèce Empty Re: Emeutes en Grèce

    Message par [Grognard]_Argent Ven 12 Déc 2008 - 1:20

    Let's go there and fight with them ?
    Braindead Colonel
    Braindead Colonel
    Membre Honoraire

    Nombre de messages : 125
    Date d'inscription : 27/10/2007

    Emeutes en Grèce Empty Re: Emeutes en Grèce

    Message par Braindead Colonel Lun 15 Déc 2008 - 5:54

    Stupid, lazy youth, the sons of the richer Athenians have nothing better to do with their lives.
    Their parents should have smacked them around more when they were younger.

    Terrible that the kid was shot, the police in Greece has even helped dictatorships and committed various murders back then (pretty much like all police forces really in such situations). I don't know the particulars of the case, but it's possible that a violent idiot can become an officer, and do something completely terrible for no real reason. But jumping up and down like monkeys and destroying property is of no help to anyone.

    These rioters need to be forced into proper jobs.

    Being an Anarchist is easy. You just need to be an opinionated lazy bastard, have a hood and a spray paint-can, and parents dumb enough to support you.

    There is also a political aspect to this. The opposition (PASOK) is actually trying to get elections started over this. Under their government the police did the same kind of crap of course. There is also a smaller party (SYNASPISMOS), that actually promotes such violence in a way. Its the only way they can get enough votes to get into parliament. Stupid young people are their main voters (they have to be, that party is just a watered-down communist party).

    But things have returned to normal. Main news is this guy.

    Emeutes en Grèce SAKIS_ROUVAS

    I think he is totally gay

    Emeutes en Grèce Empty Re: Emeutes en Grèce

    Message par Invité Lun 15 Déc 2008 - 12:31

    Can you invite him to Articho's new years eve party ?

    THANKS ! Laughing

    Emeutes en Grèce Empty Re: Emeutes en Grèce

    Message par Invité Mar 16 Déc 2008 - 17:53